A letter on rest and renewal
Founder's Feelings
Feelings From A.OK's Founder > Grace
Dear Friends,
As the first rays of 2025 shine through my window the day after Lunar New Year, I find myself sitting quietly with my morning coffee, reflecting on why these words waited until now to emerge.
This past year brought unexpected challenges and loss into my life. Through it all, the A.OK community has been a source of unwavering support, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
2024 taught me that feeling 'OK' isn't about maintaining constant happiness or avoiding pain – it's about making space for all of our emotions, even the difficult ones. Some days, my self-care looked like crying in the shower. Other days, I was laughing with friends over dinner. Sometimes it was simply sitting in silence, watching the leaves dance outside my window. Each of these moments was valid, necessary, and right on time.
This year, I'm not making resolutions. Instead, I'm making promises to myself: to listen to my body when it whispers instead of waiting for it to scream, to honor my needs without apology, and to remember that choosing myself is ok.
To our community: thank you for being here and for reminding me that we're all learning to navigate this beautiful, messy life together.
For 2025, my wish for each of you is simple: May you find joy in being exactly who you are - wonderfully, magnificently human.
With gratitude and hope,
P.S. - Try to pause after reading this. Take a deep breath. Feel your feet on the ground. You're doing better than you think you are.